One to One and Group Sessions during your pregancy

Superpower your parenting know-how with comprehensive supoport based on your choices. 

Build you Birth Preferences, or learn about Infant Feeding before your baby arrives.


Learn the feeding basics

Antenatal Feeding Workshop
This workshop is ideal for families who wish to know more about their choices around feeding babies.  You will find out more about what to expect when baby arrives, feeding positions and your options around expressing or combination feeding. Includes a plan based on your choices and support options once baby arrives to tackle early day challenges.

Birth Preparation - One to One

Antenatal Sessions
Develop personalised Birth Plans for home or hospital & caesarean birth based on your family’s needs.

As a Doula and experienced coach, Nikki can help you discover more about what will happen during birth and the hours afterwards as you snuggle you new baby. Includes whatsapp support during pregnancy to provide you with continuity for your questions

The Fourth Trimester

The Fourth Trimester Parenting Course
This option offers 2 90 minute group sessions for up to 6 families. Clear, safe & evidence based session to optimise your family’s experience in the first 3 months. Discover ways to optimise feeding and sleep, as well as discover how family life might be after baby arrives. Includes 

Practical Parenting
Worrying about how to hold, feed, burp, change and what to dress your baby in? Come along to this fun and informative 90 minute session where you will discover new skills to boost confidence in the early days. 

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